1.Strawberry ice-cream shouldn't exist
2.The school kai should be better
3.Cereal then milk not the other way round
4.Phones should be allowed in school

PEEL Sentence #1
Cereal has to be poured before the milk!

I strongly believe that the cereal should be poured before the milk other wise the meal
will be uneven and soggy. You should never pour the milk first this is because if you put 
the milk in first you will either have to much milk or to less milk you will NEVER get the 
right amount! Imagine being in the final mouthfuls of your wheat-bix and then you run out 
of milk but it is not enough to warrant more milk so you have to eat the rest dry. 
In conclusion the milk should definitely be poured after the cereal it is just common 

PEEL Sentence #2
School Kai should better.

One thing about school kai that we can all agree on is that it needs to be better! Every
week it is just the same cycle of food over and over again. I mean how hard is it to mix up
the menu once in a while. If the menu changes more people will eat it because it will 
appeal to more people there for there will also be less wastage. However I know you cant 
please everyone but just my waianga class only about 5 people out of the 23 eat the kai 
leaving almost 20 meals wasted. Because of this I believe the school should make the kai 
better because it wastes less and it will appeal to more people.

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