Science Book 2024

Introduction to Chem:
The Difference between mass and volume:
There are three different types of matter and how the particles move determines the state 
of matter.
  • Particles are free moving
  • Particles spread out
  • No fixed shape
  • No fixed volume
  • Particles can move together
  • No fixed shape
  • Has a fixed volume
  • Particles can not move only vibrate
  • Particles packed tightly together
  • Has a fixed shape
  • Has a fixed volume
Mass is the amount of force gravity has on an object.

Volume is the amount of space the object takes up.

The three states of matter:
1, Solid
2, Liquid
3, Gass
 Carbon Dioxide
Part of the theory 
One way we can observe how the particles move
It's the gradual way that the particles move/mix together
Experiment 1-Diffusion:
We took two petri dishes and filled one with hot water and the other with cold water. 
We then used a spatula to put a pinch of Potassium Permanganate in each of them. 
The Potassium Permanganate turned purple in the water. The hot water had cooled down 
before we put the Potassium Permanganate in so it spread at the same rate as the cold
Should have happened:
The hot water dish should have spread a lot further and faster than the cold water dish 
because of the high concentration gradients in the hot water compared to the low 
concentration in the cold water. 
Experiment 2-Revisiting defusion:
The aim was to get the hot water patriot dish to defuse a lot further and faster.
We took two petri dishes and filled one with boiling water and the other with cold water. 
We then used a spatula to put a pinch of Potassium Permanganate in each of them. 
The Potassium Permanganate turned purple in the water. The hot water had cooled down 
before we put the Potassium Permanganate in so it spread at the same rate as the cold water. 
Mrs Bedford also put more Potassium Permanganate in the cold water and just a small amount 
in the hot water. So our cold water petri dish spread further.
The hot water dish should have spread a lot further and faster than the cold water dish 
because diffusion speeds up in heat. 

Different bases:
The milk petri dish did defuse but at a very slow rate and underneath not on top because 
it is more vissics than water. The Potassium Permanganate also went brown because there 
are a lot of other sugars and it is more viscous than water. It sank to the bottom because 
of the high surface tension and KMn04 is heavier than the milk.
Canola Oil:
The Canola oil petri dish did not diffuse at all; it just sat on top of the oil because of
the high amount of viscous in the oil.
Essential Oil:
The essential oil did not spread either because of the high amount of viscous in the oil 
but if we heated the oil up iit would have defused because oil gets thinner as it heats up. 
Questions From Diffusion Video:
1.Diffusion is when the smell of something mixes with air molecules.
2.The molecules move by mixing in with the air molecules so they can then spread out with 
the wind and air.
3.You can speed up diffusion by using heat and you can slow it down by cooling it down.
4.Some examples of diffusion are coffee, tea and hairspray. 
Ice melting:
We placed ice in glass bowls, plastic petri dishes and in a cold aluminium tray. 
The aluminium tray melted the ice quicker because of the energy transferred from the room 
temperature air (21 Degrees) & the aluminium tray combined with the larger surface area 
than the bowl or the dish this made the ice melt faster. The plastic and glass also don't 
transfer energy as fast as the aluminium tray/cant conduct heat.. 
Ice Melting 2, With bunsen burner:

In the beginning the ice measured in at 5 degrees but as it started to melt it heated up 
very quickly. After about 10-15 minutes it was at 22*. 
This is a table of our results. 
Time (min)
Time (min)
Time (min)


Different substances have different properties.Pure substances only contain one 
substance while a mixture contains as many as you want. Most of the materials around us are
mixtures not very many pure substances exist.

Coffee, tea, fizzy drinks, hair gel, condiments, 
Properties are how we identify substances.
1. The features by which material can be identified are called properties.
2. Materials which always have the same properties are called pure substances.
3. Materials which are made up of different substances are called mixtures.
4. Orange juice is a mixture not a substance because in the juice there are many different
substances such as, sugar, Vitim C/ abscorbic acid, citric acid, juice, sweetener, water,
hydrogen, and orange pulp.
When you stir sugar into water it seems to disappear. We say it has dissolved into 
the water. Sugar and water have mixed to form a solution Coffee and water also form 
a solution. When you dissolve coffee in hot water the substance that dissolves 
(the coffee) is called a Solute. The substance that does the dissolving (the hot water) 
is called the solvent.
A suspension is when a salute is suspended in a solvent. it doesn't dissolve it just sits
E.g: Snow in a snow globe.
Experimenter #3 Imploding.
When we put the can with 50 m of water in it onto the Bunsen Burner it took about 7 minutes
to start steaming.We then put it upside down in cold water as soon as the can opening was
submerged it imploded suddenly. 

Ball & Ring.
Mrs Bennett heated up a brass ring over the Bunsen Burner so that when the ring expanded
due to thermal heat it could fit over the brass ball. But as soon as she submerged the
ring in cold water it could no longer fit over the brass ball.

Dropping Pins Experiment:
The aim of this experiment was to watch conduction as the heat transferred down the metal rod dropping 
the pins as the glue heated up and melted.
We used a Bunsen Burner and the equipment that came with it,retort stand,6 pins,petroleum jelly and a 
metal rod.
First we glued the pins at even intervals along the metal rod with petroleum jelly, then we set up the
bunsen burner with the retort stand beside it with the metal rod attached to it.
The pins dropped as the heat transferred along the metal rod therefore melting the jelly that stuck the 
pins on causing them to drop.
Because of the conduction of thermal energy transferring down the rod the thermal energy melted the 
petroleum jelly jelly releasing the pins causing them to fall off the metal rod.

Tea Bag Rocket
What happened was pretty much what me and Liv were expecting once the tea bag had been lit on fire it
launched its self up into the air as carbon and ash before floating back down. This happens because of 
the change in the air density inside the tea bag is different to the air density from out side the tea
bag.This is because the cold air rushes into the tea bag pushing it up into the air.

Chroma is greek for colour  Graphy means words or pitchers. 
Chromatography is the scientific technique for seperating 2 or more coloured pigments(inks & dyes).
1) Chroma is greek for colour and Graphy means words or pitchers in greek.
2) Inks and dyes
3) The pigments seperate because 
4) Lighter pigments are carrieded further than darker pigments in a solvent.
5) The "start line" should always be drawn in pencil because pencil is graphite which doesn't seperate.
6) The solvent level must be lower than the sample spots because

A saturated solution is when no more solvent can be dissolved in it. If some of the solvent evaporates from a 
saturated solution, the remaining solution becomes supersaturated. The remaining solute will then begin to form 

Epsen Salt Crystals
When we were making our crystals we tried to saturate water with epsen salts but we couldn't get the liquid 
saturated. Because of this crystals grew in the solution but coudn't hold their form in tthe liquid. We then
tried to grow the cyristals in the same solution but on a pipe cleaner but with no success.

Social Studies

1.Strawberry ice-cream shouldn't exist
2.The school kai should be better
3.Cereal then milk not the other way round
4.Phones should be allowed in school

PEEL Sentence #1
Cereal has to be poured before the milk!

I strongly believe that the cereal should be poured before the milk other wise the meal
will be uneven and soggy. You should never pour the milk first this is because if you put 
the milk in first you will either have to much milk or to less milk you will NEVER get the 
right amount! Imagine being in the final mouthfuls of your wheat-bix and then you run out 
of milk but it is not enough to warrant more milk so you have to eat the rest dry. 
In conclusion the milk should definitely be poured after the cereal it is just common 

PEEL Sentence #2
School Kai should better.

One thing about school kai that we can all agree on is that it needs to be better! Every
week it is just the same cycle of food over and over again. I mean how hard is it to mix up
the menu once in a while. If the menu changes more people will eat it because it will 
appeal to more people there for there will also be less wastage. However I know you cant 
please everyone but just my waianga class only about 5 people out of the 23 eat the kai 
leaving almost 20 meals wasted. Because of this I believe the school should make the kai 
better because it wastes less and it will appeal to more people.

My Hauora Learning

What Hauora Means To Me:                                                                                                                                                                     To me hauora means to take care of your self and mentally and emotionally. It means having control over your life in a good way to; To be confident and proud of who you are.

Favourite Activity:                                                                                                                                                                                         My favourite activity so far has been Taha Tinana and going outside to play duck duck goose and the paper scissors rock game.

What Taha… do you most understand:                                                                                                                                             I understand Taha Tinana the most because it is physical based and I am very familiar with sport and physical well being like good sleep and good food

I am confused about Taha… the most:


I need to learn more about Taha…:

Boiling Water- Legend

A blue flame was quicker to boil the water because the Bunsen’s neck hole was open therefore the flame had more oxygen available for it to use causing it to be hotter. The blue flame also transferred thermal energy to the water quicker than the less hot flame which meant the particles in the water could heat up faster.Because of the hotter flame it caused the particles to quickly change states from a liquid to a gas.

Science Condensation Experiment

Aim:                                                                                                                                                                                                      The aim of this experiment was to observe water as it changes state from solid to liquid to gas.

Equipment:                                                                                                                                                                                            -Bunsen Burner/ Equipment                                                                                                                                                                          -Thermometer                                                                                                                                                                                                    – Beaker                                                                                                                                                                                                                – A clamp holder

Set up:                                                                                                                                                                                                                  To set up the Bunsen Burner we placed a heat proof mat down the the burner on top of that. The triangle stand got placed over the Bunsen with the gorse mat sitting on top of it. The tall metal clamp is placed beside the Bunsen and the thermometer is clamped to about an inch off the Beakers bottom.

Method:                                                                                                                                                                                                   To do this we placed ice cubes in a Beaker and placed it above the Bunsen Burner and watched the ice melt and the thermometer’s bar rise.

Results:                                                                                                                                                                                                              This is a table of our results

Time (min) Temp Time (min) Temp Time (min) Temp
3 30* 6 62* 9 96*
4 35* 7 70* 10 103*
5 52* 8 87* 11 104*

Conclusion:                                                                                                                                                                                                   I discovered from this experiment that once water reaches a boiling point the temperature of the water increases significantly very quickly.  I also learnt that is you trap the steam that rises out of the beaker it causes condensation and if you keep it there long enough the condensation drips back into the beaker creating a never ending cycle.