2024 football bolg

This term in our physical education class, we’ve been practising football skills. From perfecting dribbling techniques to honing our passing abilities, we’ve been focused on mastering the correct execution of these skills.

I have decided to dedicate more of my training sessions to enhancing my passing skills. I’ve noticed that my passes are occasionally off-target and inconsistent, so I want to work on improving the accuracy and reliability of my passes.

Soccer passing is a fundamental skill that plays a crucial role in the game. It involves transferring the ball to a teammate in an accurate and controlled manner. Passing allows for quick and efficient ball movement, creating opportunities to advance up the field and create scoring chances. Proper passing techniques include using the inside of the foot for short and mid-range passes, while longer passes may require the use of the instep. It’s important to focus on the accuracy, timing, and weight of the pass to ensure that it reaches the intended target. Additionally, being aware of the positioning of teammates and opponents is essential for successful passing in soccer.


Eyes(How do we see)

The eye, a complex organ, is responsible for sensing light and enabling the intricate process of vision. It consists of various specialized structures such as the cornea, iris, lens, retina, and optic nerve, all working together to capture, focus, and transmit visual information to the brain for interpretation.

Here’s a breakdown of how we see it:
1) Light first enters the cornea.
2) The cornea refracts the light and directs it into the pupil.
3) The iris, which is pigmented, regulates the amount of light that enters the eye.
4) Light enters the lens.
5) The light is focused on the retina.
6) The retina creates an image and converts it into a signal.
7) The optic nerve translates the signal to the brain, where it is converted into an image that we can see.

Part Description Function Part Description Function
Cornea The front part of the eye. It is tough, transparent, and convex. Reflects light as it enters the eye. Lens The lens is a bi-convex it’s a transparent flexible disc Focuses light on the retina
Pupil The pupil is a dark hole in the middle of our eye Allows light into the eye Retina The retina is connected to our optic nerve which is just a bundle of nerve fibers Creates an image and converts it to a signal
Iris The colored ring around the pupil It controls the amount of light going into the pupil. Optic nerve A bundle of nerves connected to the brain. Transports the signal to the brain where it is made into an image.


Magic School Review

I’m a year-9 student at MagicSchool and Raina, the chatbot, has been incredibly helpful. Raina tailors her responses to my grade level, explains concepts clearly, and provides support and encouragement. She’s versatile across various subjects, ethical, and always student-focused. I highly recommend Raina as a supportive educational assistant for any student.

How Humans Hear

The first step of how humans hear is when sound waves enter the ear. 

When sound occurs it enters our body through the outer ear also known as the pinna or auricle. When the sound waves hit the pinna it filters and amplifies the the sound. The sound waves then hit the eardrum making it vibrate. “The ear is a paper-thin membrane that vibrates violently when sound waves hit it. It’s really like a drum.”Dr. Mehdizadeh says.

Next the sound travels throught the middle of the ear.

Behind the eardrum lives the middle ear. In this part of the ear’s anatomy, sound waves are amplified before they are delivered to the inner ear.The eardrum is attached to a chain of three small bones called ossicles. These three muscles are the smallest in your body. When the eardrum vibrates in response to sound waves, these muscles are also set in motion.

Heart Dissection

The aim of this experiment was to identify all the parts of a heart.

My hypophosis is that the heart will be squishy and it will be layed out just like the photos.

First we found the soft side of the heart
Then we cut it straight down the soft side of the heart
Opening it up we layed it flat in the dissecting tray to examine


At the top of the heart is the aorta. In the middle is all the heart strings that connect everything together.

Everything did work the way that I expected it to. The only thing that I wasn't expecting was the way it smelt
and how squishy and meat like it was.

Term 2 Wanaga Trip

I believe we should go go-karting session for our upcoming class outing, and I truly believe it would be an incredible idea. Go-karting is an exhilarating and competitive activity that guarantees a lot of enjoyment for everyone involved. This experience would not only be incredibly fun, but it would also create lasting memories for all of us.

Additionally, I believe that it would provide us with a unique opportunity to practice and enhance our driving skills, which could be beneficial for our future driving tests. It’s a fantastic way for us to learn how to drive in a controlled and safe environment. I mean, who doesn’t like the thrill of go-karting? I’m confident that this activity would be a hit with the entire class, and I truly believe it would be an outing that we’ll all remember for years to come.


Arthritis Research

What is it:

Arthritis is a medical condition characterized by inflammation, pain, and stiffness in the joints. It is a condition that affects millions of individuals worldwide and can significantly impact a person’s quality of life.  Various types of arthritis exist, such as osteoarthritis(Wear and tear arthritis), rheumatoid arthritis(Arthritis that happens when your immune system mistakenly damages your joints.), and psoriatic arthritis(Arthritis that affects people who have psoriasis), each with unique causes and symptoms.

How is it caused:

Arthritis is caused by the breakdown of cartilage in the joints, which can occur as a result of wear and tear, injury, or infection. Genetics and environmental factors also play a role in the development of arthritis.


There are six main symptoms of arthritis such as:

  • Joint pain.
  • Stiffness or reduced range of motion (how far you can move a joint).
  • Swelling (inflammation).
  • Skin discoloration.
  • Tenderness or sensitivity to touch around a joint.
  • A feeling of heat or warmth near your joints.


There’s no cure for arthritis, but a healthcare provider will help you find treatments that manage your symptoms. Which treatments you’ll need depends on what’s causing arthritis, which type you have, and which joints it affects. Surgery is an option if you have severe arthritis and other treatments don’t work. The two most common types of arthritis surgery are joint fusion and joint replacement.

Is cracking your fingers good for you?

Although cracking your knuckles regularly can be harmless, it can also cause damage if it’s done incorrectly/too frequently. If you crack your knuckles incorrectly, you can actually cause a ligament injury or dislocate your fingers

career test

After taking a comprehensive career assessment test, I received recommendations for my potential career paths. According to the test, I have an excellent aptitude for careers in the fields of interior design, architecture, sales, graphic design, or accounting. Interestingly, these are the same fields that I was already considering pursuing. Out of all these options, interior design and architecture are my top preferences, as they align with my natural creative abilities and interests. However, I am aware that these jobs also require extensive education and training, usually taking between 3 to 6 years to become fully qualified.

Chicken Leg Dissection

Monday the 8th of May

We are dissecting a chicken leg to compare its structure to that of a human leg. The disection is also taking 
place because in bioligy we are looking at the musculoskeletal.The bones of the chicken leg are arranged 
similarly to those of a human leg. This will enable us to visually observe and compare the positions of bones, 
tendons, and ligaments in both types of legs. Doing this also helps us visulise how our body works. 


A chicken leg quarter with the meat removed, showing the femur, knee, tibia, and fibula

The aim of dissecting a chicken leg is to identify different parts and systems of the chicken leg to see how 
a human leg work.


The equipment we used were scissors, Tweezers, a Dissecting tray, Paper, Gloves and Dissenfectant. 

1)First we put gloves on so that we could touch the chicken safely 
2)Next we skinned the chicken exposing the muscles, tendons, and ligaments. 
3)After we skinned the chicken leg we began cutting the muscle off the fibula to expose the bone and ligaments. 
4)Next we began cutting the rest of the muscle of the Tibia to expose that bone. 
5)After all the muscles were off we examined the ligaments and how they connected the bones to the muscles. 
6)For the tendon examination we foled back the knee cap to see all the tendon tunnels that it protected.
Unfortunatly our video didn't save since it was to long and we didn't take any photos due to our video.
The chicken moves by the the muscles tendons and all the ligaments working together to move the bones.ligaments
 connect the bone to the muscles while tendons connevt muscles to muscles.Muscles are responsible for our 
movement tendons attach our muscles to our bones. We move because the muscles attached to our bones pull on the
 tendons. When our muscles contract the muscles pull the bone. Muscles work by contraction and 
relaxation/extension. All muscles work in pairs when one is contracting the other is relaxing. Muscles give us 
heat by rapid contraction and relaxation also known as shivering. 200 muscles make us walk, 650 muscles in 
Yes it did work but I think our group could have cut the muscle off more cleanly so that we could properly see 
all the ligaments and tendons.

Library Review

The Matatiki Library Review

The Matatiki library is similar to other libraries in Christchurch, but it is relatively new. They have a good children’s area with games to keep them entertained. While their book collection isn’t as good as other libraries, it is filled with a good selection of books. In my opinion, their creative space is one of the best in Christchurch. They offer a wide range of art-related machines such as an embroidery machine, 3D printer, sticker-making machine, and a laser cutter. As well as a good creative space they have a free studio space that you can book using your library card. The studio is filled with a wide range of music and recording equipment. Although we didn’t go into the pool area with our tour guide Liam I have been by myself after school and it was very good. They have a good amount of pools suitable for every age. Including a spa, a baby pool, a toddler pool, a 25m deep pool, and an aqua jogging pool.